
Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Story Of Princess Orangemountain

This story is extracted from an ancient text:
"Once upon a time there lived a normal Jammer called Princess Orangemountain. She was kind and had lots of friends. One day, Princess decided to go to Jamaa Township but it was full. She kept trying and trying but it was still full. This eventually angered her and she started clicking on the map constantly until... The whole of Jamaa froze. This was the first glitch ever in Jamaa history. Soon, Princess Orangemountain recovered from the glitch and left in her place was an evil Jammer. Remember the roof glitch that happened on top of Club Geoz? She was there. Remember the bee glitch in Coral Canyons? She was there. Remember the Best Dressed glitch? She was there. It was no phantoms. It was Princess Orangemountain. Beware, she has a sister too... Princess Yellowmountain who likes to mess up buddy games... Beware the Princess Mountains... Beware!"

Written by Spino11


  1. That was funny! I was playing a buddy game with my storage once so I could earn gems but my real account's name was Priness Yellowmountain!

  2. Awesome Spino! Just three more stories before you reach the rank Gold plated Library author! :D

  3. omg this is AWESOME!

  4. i once played tic tac toe with my buddy and i was princess orangemountain and she, princess yellowmountain!!

  5. Can I be an author?! PLEASE!! Plaaaase! -.-... Pretty please? -blinks constantly- 0.0 Princess Orangemountain is right behind me isn't she?! -looks back-
    Princess: Hi!
    Me: Hello!
    -turns back-
    -eyes pop right open-
    -runs away screaming-

  6. ME WUV GLITCHES!!!! -smackes into princess Yellowmount for no reason- ME WUV GLITCHES MAAAH HAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!



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