
Sunday, December 11, 2011

How the Color-Changing Poton Came to Jamaa

Back in the old days, animals had MUCH different names, so that is why this wolf was named Arcticclaws.
Arcticclaws lived in the Lost Temple of Zios and her home was a house by the entrance to Sarepia Forest. Everyone thought her house was abandoned so they did not bother coming into the house.
One day, Arcticclaws was bored once again. She paced back and forth.
"I guess I should look up in the attic for anything interesting...again," Arcticclaws sighed, and climbed up the ladder. She would always look in the attic when she was bored. In her day, anyone bored would do that.
Arcticclaws looked through the papers, mumbling to herself, "A drawing...........about Mira (read that)..........wait, what's this?"
Arcticclaws came across a paper that had pictures of how to make a color-changing potion. She went downstairs to an old Chemistry Set.
Arcticclaws worked day and night, trying to find out how the potion worked. But by dawn, she FINALLY figured it all out.
Arcticclaws marveled as the potion changed colors. She traveled to Jamaa Township, and showed everyone it.
They all traveled to her house, and she shown everyone how it was done. The steps are now known worldwide.
But now, Brady Barr owns the house and conducts his expirements there. But, he still owns the chemistry set, which people use still today to make the color-changing potion.

Written by GreatShot

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Please make good book reviews! Or you may run into a certain squishy zappy creature...