
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Decorators of Jamaa

It was a normal chilly December day in Jamaa, and the last of the Fall leaves were drifting onto the ground. I was in Serepia forest, and I was whistling happily and strolling towards Jamaa Township. This is when IT started. I met one of my friends, Star fire Jasmine, and we chatted about things as we walked along.

"Yeah, it stinks that-" We had reached Jamaa Township. As normal. There were Jammers everywhere. As normal. All the buildings were gingerbread and there was fresh snow on the ground. Not normal.

"How the cheese did-?" I stuttered. I gaped around, fascinated, but then my brain started to work again. I wanted to know how this had happened. I had been here an hour ago, heading to Jam Mart Clothing. There was no possible way it could snow this quickly! Then a brilliant idea hit me, and I raced to the forest again, Star fire Jasmine calling after me.

I got there puffing, and looked around. There were Christmas ornaments and snowmen everywhere, but I ignored them and kept running to Coral Canyons. I had suspected that if I could get there fast enough, I could figure out what or who was causing this.

Yes! As I got to Coral Canyons, I could see a wave of sparkles heading over the barren landscape, with it tons of Christmas stuff. As I looked, I noticed that they were not sparkles, they were PHANTOMS! Golden phantoms that were the size of a ladybug! They turned, and raced away when they saw me. I sprinted after them, stumbling and scraping my paws with my tail dragging in about as many cacti as there is sand on the beach!

Finally I caught them in a cave. I was quite a sight, my fur torn and scratched, and my tail looked like a rats nest with a rat in it! Somehow I mustered up enough dignity to ask them about decorating Jamaa.

"I- I'm surprised you found us," a tiny gold phantom squeaked in a voice that sounded in between a tea-kettle and a balloon. "Oh," I said. "But what we do is most intriguing, too." The phantom rambled on about how they helped decorate and how they did it in one golden wave.

"Oh," I said for the eleventh time. I was half listening now. The phantom was just going on and on. "Yeah and we help build snowmen and they're so cool and we give them carrot noses you know I like carrots and that's weird for a phantom because we don't like even have a visible mouth so like where do we speak and we are smaller than regular phantoms and we're golden and not evil but we have lighting and well you know Mira she created us to do this and she gave us magic oh but real magic not cup and card tricks oh but I like cards and so-" Wait a minute this phantom was saying that...

" You said Mira gave you her magic?" I interrupted. "Yes and Mira is awesome she gave me these lighting bolts that light up broken lights and they're different from lightning bolts because lightning bol-" I cut the phantom off again. "Well, I'm not surprised, but why keep yourselves a secret?" I asked. I thought about what these phantoms had done for us, so I wanted to help them back.They looked rather sad, too. But if Jammers knew about them... I continued speaking before the phantom go start talking about jellybeans. "You can go out! We Jammers will know you're good. And you were sent by MIRA!" The phantom considered this for a moment. "Ok..." Then I had a brilliant idea.

"Wait! You can work for frosty the phantom! He's a good phantom like you guys! You can become his decorators and attendents! You can still continue your good work, too, and you will become a legend!" I cried, triumphant of finding something for these cute, tiny phantoms could do. The phantom nodded, its eye sparkling. So went went to look for Frosty. He welcomed them, and taught them all about his work, like the phantom told me about his.

And so, to this day, these gold phantoms of Mira's, sent out to help decorate, have been working with Frosty the Phantom, in his work to celebrate the Jamaalidays.

The End.

P.S. Do you think it's a bad story? I don't blame you if you do.

1 comment:

Please make good book reviews! Or you may run into a certain squishy zappy creature...