
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Recipe for life

First we'll start with a happy heart! And mix in good intentions!
A pinch of charm can do no harm and a dream is good to mention.
Stir it all up in a great big cup and shake it with emotion!
Then we top it off with love cause that's the magic potion.

Then we try it out to see if we should add some more!
There's really nothing too it, there's really nothing too it.
All you do it follow...! All you do is follow...this recipe for life!

Life is so much better when you flavor it with travel!
Season with adventure and your dreams will soon unravel!
Why don't we go to Crystal Sands ingredients there are warmer!
Then we'll add a dash of something from the land of silly humor.

From Zanzibar and Singapore from Fiji to Calcutta!
Be sure to taste the spice of life they make it like no other!
If you gather all this up and shake it all together!
Your life will surely be all together sweeter!
(A bowl of noodles doesn't hurt either.)


  1. THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But before you stop there's one more ingredient
    It's a must have and I'll try to be expedient
    Mix your chocolate with creamy peanut butter
    The bigger the scoops the more your heart will flutter!

  2. I must agree with Tiggerkat!

    For extra flavor, and something more to savor,
    Add some care and a kind, simple favor.
    Mention to express what is useful and worth.
    Also, be a special helper, part of Earth!

  3. What a beautiful recipe!

  4. So cool!

    But as I say, we should add some humor and play!
    Go outside to have some fun, and enjoy that hot sun!
    Add some laughs to make you smile,
    And go do things your own style!!
    Pretend you are a brave young warrior,
    But someday you will be a lawyer!
    Don't forget to be nice and always like a bowl of rice!
    Eat veggies for dessert and also share some with your friend bird!

    THE END!!


Please make good book reviews! Or you may run into a certain squishy zappy creature...