
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Monkey Professor

Once in Jamaa there was a professor named Professor Zanymonkey. He did most of his research in The Lost Temple of Zios. There, he researched phantoms and their ways.
But he did not research alone. He had a frog apprentice named Squareberry. Squareberry was training to become a professor like Professor Zanymonkey.
Today, Zanymonkey and Squareberry were in Zios once again. Zanymonkey had done a lot of research on the phantoms.Today, Zios was empty, which meant it was not likely phantoms would come out of the phantom pit. But he peered inside and described the phantoms' habitat. It was very boring day indeed. Squareberry badly just wanted to go home, but Zanymonkey refused to leave. But after a while, Zanymonkey grew tired and fell asleep, and Squareberry kept wide awake, and was handy when the Professor started to attract flies.
Squareberry waited. And waited. And waited. The Professor kept sleeping, and the frog kept his eyes peeled for any phantoms. He never saw a phantom in his froggy life. But he eagerly waited.
But Squareberry must have dozed off. For when he woke up, he was in a different spot, and phantoms were coming out of the phantom pit! Squareberry marveled at it and woke up the Professor. Other animals were gathered around, asleep, too. And the Professor began to dance! Squareberry joined him, both dancing due to their success of finding Jamaa's phantoms.
Professor took note that when you sleep at the pit, phantoms will come out. He took it to his lab and posted on the internet of how to do this!

Written By GreatShot

1 comment:

Please make good book reviews! Or you may run into a certain squishy zappy creature...